Daily Hobby Update
Today I attended at the first day of the Rotomagus tournament in Rouen. The first round I played a Varangur army. The scenario (control?) split the battlefield in six parts and challenge you to control more than your opponent at the end of the last turn. The game was hard and I only won on the very last dice roll of the game were my opponent failed to rout my horde with a Skald. He rolled the 2 dice and got 5... where a 6 would have been enough to win. The second game I played a brotherhood player. Rat of the match was my assassin which hold the line against a charge of flying monstrous cavalry on a snake eye moral test and stayed alive to the end of the battle. I outplayed my opponent during deployement. This allowed me to take a good advantage. The scenario required to have more unit in the opponent area at tje end of tje game than he has in yours. With only 1 flying monster alive at the end of the game, my opponent had a hard time. The game was so one sided at the start that I ...
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