
Showing posts from 2018

Hobby Update

This week end I started another ratkin cavalry. I also let the 3d printer on for more than 9 hours. Army rebasing is in progress! Finally I painted Zaporavo.

Hobby Update

A new vilein of the conan box : the hyperborean primitive. I already mentionned that I aim at painting such miniature in less than 2 hours, however, I failed on this one. The miniature feature many cool details. It is a good thing, except it slowed me down and make it twice longer to paint than the others.

Hobby Update

They were ready for the tournament. 

Hobby Update

Yesterday I painted the base I have to finish for tomorow tournament.

Hobby Update

As the monsters plays a great role in the conan campaing, it would be great to paint all of them. However they are big miniatures with wide surfaces to paint. Except both the giant scorpion and the giant spider I painted yesterday.

Hobby Update

Today I painted Kosotral khel. Tried to make him some metal veins!

Hobby Update

Today I painted the wizzard. I also 3d printed a KoW multibase which need to be ready for next week.

Hobby Update

I plan to play the official Conan campaign next month with some friends. I had already paint the four main heroes last year. So in order to get prettier games I started to paint the main villains of the campaign. The goal is to get something prettier than raw grey plastic while spending less than 2 hours per miniature. Yesterday I painted Skuthus and Khemsa

Hobby Update

I had a very busy summer and so had a hard time getting time to paint miniatures. However, I managed to end 2 projects this week. The first one is a KoW ratkin brutte. He will be part of the monstrous infantry regiment that is made of him and the other I painted in February ( already 7 month have past ? OMG! ). The other one is my Dark Eldar motojet squad :

Hobby Update

Today I had many things to do which only required my attention from time to time. During my spare time I painted this Horde night stalker. I made my first non metalic metal on the blade of the miniature and I'm pretty satisfied by the result. It is however strange to mix it with true metalic metal paint on the same miniature.

Hobby Update

This week I painted an Horde Wood Stalker unit. They will provide some range threat to my orboros battlegroup. They seem to rely heavily on luck as any succesfull beam attack enhance the following.

Daily Hobby Update

Today I finished the Mutant Rat Fiend I plan to play at Lilles tournament at the end of the month.

Daily Hobby Update

Yesterday I finished the first dark eldar motojet. I used my army colors, and I'm pretty satisfied by the result. To provide this glorious flying machine a pilot is my daily goal of the day.

Hobby Update

I painted the Raging Heroes' Wereshewolf miniature. This one will act as a proxy for a Lykanis in a friend's army.

Daily Hobby Update

Today was the second and final day at rotomagus tournament. The morning game I had to figth my good friend Quentx. The game objective was to control some loot counters, while defending one in your starting area which is worth 2 points to your opponent and nothing for you. As usual, despite their low speed, dwarves are really tough to fight as they have very good nerve and/or armor. Routing any unit require a huge investment and require you to commit many resources. I started the game by loosing my favorite bait - the assassin. This allowed to get a double charge on Sveri Egilax, the berserker living legend. The game was long and hard, but I managed to win turn 6 despite having lost more points than my opponent. The attrition was in favor of Kentx, and I scored a 14-6. At this point I had to play another dwarf player which was also undefeated until now. We had to play a scenario with 7 obectives, 1 worth 3 points, 2 worth 2 points, and tje remining 4 worth 1 point. This second dwar...

Daily Hobby Update

Today I attended at the first day of the Rotomagus tournament in Rouen. The first round I played a Varangur army. The scenario (control?) split the battlefield in six parts and challenge you to control more than your opponent at the end of the last turn. The game was hard and I only won on the very last dice roll of the game were my opponent failed to rout my horde with a Skald. He rolled the 2 dice and got 5... where a 6 would have been enough to win. The second game I played a brotherhood player. Rat of the match was my assassin which hold the line against a charge of flying monstrous cavalry on a snake eye moral test and stayed alive to the end of the battle. I outplayed my opponent during deployement. This allowed me to take a good advantage. The scenario required to have more unit in the opponent area at tje end of tje game than he has in yours. With only 1 flying monster alive at the end of the game, my opponent had a hard time. The game was so one sided at the start that I ...

Daily Hobby Update

The Rotomagus 2018 tournament take place tomorow at Rouen. While preparing my army I realized I had more task waiting to be completed than expected... 5 hours later I : Got one more vermintide regiment ready to be played Rebased on a square magnetic base the demonspawn I painted a few time ago. Finished my hackpaw regiment with more than 3 colours Due to home network trouble, I wasn't able to print my list to provide a copy to my opponents. I will have to write it by hand in train tomorow.

Daily Hobby Update

Today I finished my blight regiment and mostly painted the first half of the cavalry base.

Daily Hobby Update

Yesterday I started to paint the bases I previously had primed ( and omited to update here ). I'm now planning to paint the cavalry base today and tomorow. This would let me another day to glue the miniatures and get ready before the tournament.

Daily Hobby Update

I glued the rocks on the bases. Next step - today probably - will be to seal them with a last layer of PVA and start the paintjob.

Daily Hobby Update

Yesterday I printed the last part of the cavalry base. I also glued the axe to the orher base. I now have to paint them and add miniature on their top to be ready for the tournament.

Daily Hobby Update

I printed the third part of the cavalry regiment multibase. The next week I'll have to print the last one and start the smoothing and painting job.

Daily Hobby Update

Due to national railway strike in France it was hard to get hobby time. Still I had enough time yesterday to glue the 2 cavalry troop multibase parts. The second one having slightly warped during the printing process, I had to use some greenstuff to get a flat bottom suitable to later glue a magnet sheet under it.

Daily Hobby Update

Today I let the 3D printer work for me again! I'll have to glue the 2 parts tomorrow.

Daily Hobby Update

Today the 3D printer was busy... I printed for 6 hours, and their is many more to come ! ( 3D printing is so slow! )

Daily Hobby Update

Today, I made the 3D models for the next multibases. They are available on thingiverse. Cavalry Regiment ( 2 troop ) Infantry Regiment

Daily Hobby Update

Yesterday I continued to paint the remaining of my Hackpaw regiment (fur and cloth already had receive a base layer). I expect to be able to finish the riders this week. I'll have to do intensive multibasing then.

Daily Hobby Update

Today I finished 3 riders. The 2 of yesterday plus another one.